Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Mantra for Elevation - Saalaahi Saalaah | DAY24 of 40 DAY SADHANA


In life, we see that more we know, more we come to know that we know very little or don’t know at all. Skies and oceans of knowledge – the immeasurable countless worlds – nobody has been able to feel satisfied with the knowledge one could gain throughout life and the wealth and kingdoms one could establish; therefore a sense of dissatisfaction and restlessness- a vacuum – a hollowness – a feeling of incompleteness, unfulfillment.

Let us know & understand why it is so ?

Actually, we feel incomplete because while living & so to call, growing in this world, we try to find fulfilment in and get attached to worldly things which are attractive though false and temporary. We get detached from our real, subtle & eternal self. We fail to understand that the outside world is only a manifestation of our inner, eternal self but we have to have that inward eye to see that subtle connection between the inner, essential self & the outside world we live in for a short period of time. And our Fulfilment & Completeness is only as a part of the whole –the whole Creation.

The moment we understand this by digging ourselves deep within (as this knowledge is within us only), we are elevated – we become one with the Universe, the Creation, the Skies, the Oceans.

When this Self-realization happens intuitively, we feel ecstatic, joyful, freely flying like a bird yet humble like an ant.

Blessings and Peace



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