Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Day 10 ~ Tu Thakur Tum Peh Ardas - 30 Days of Chants

Day 10 Chant from 30 Days of Chants Journey 'Tu Thakur Tum Peh Ardas'

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This passage is sung before the final prayers of any devotional Sikh service.

Tu Thaakur Tum Peh Ardas ||

You are our Master; to You, I offer this humble prayer.

Jeeo Pind Sabh Tayree Raas ||

This body and soul are all Your Belonging.

Thum Maath Pithaa Ham Baarik Thaerae ||

You are our mother and father; and we are your children.

Tumaree Kirpaa Meh Sukh Ghanayrey ||

In Your Grace, we experience ultimate Peace!

Koe N Jaanay Tumraa Unt ||

No one knows Your infinite vastness.

Oochay Tey Oochaa Bhagavant ||

O Highest of the High, Most Generous God,

Sagal Samagree Tumaray Soothr Dhaaree ||

The whole creation is strung on Your thread.

Tum Tey Hoe So Aageyakaaree ||

That which has come from You is in Your will.

Tumaree Gath Mith Tum Hee Jaanee ||

You alone know Your Existence and Vastness.

Nanak Daas Sadhaa Kurbaanee ||8||4||

Nanak, Your slave, is forever surrendering to you. ||8||4||

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