Monday, 30 November 2015

Day 30 - Mantra to Remove Anxiety - SO MAI VISAR NA JAA-EE - 30 Days of ...

We are at Day 30, but still we are feeling that there is lots more to share with you guys. Its been a remarkable 30 days, and those of you who stuck with this, We hope that you guys enjoyed it too. And it did affect you all in the positive ways.

For Day 30, we have chosen lines from Gurbani. And Its important to understand and then meditate upon these words. As you meditate, this mantra can be really powerful tool to handle, anxiety, worry and fears that we have. If you can by-heart this Mantra, this Gurbani, and whenever you are worrying too much, when every you are fearful about future, this can help you.



There is only the One, The Giver of All Souls. May I Never Forget Him


Most of our worries and most of our anxiety is due to now knowing whats going to happen next, whats going to happen in future, Instead of following our hearts, we spend too much time in these thoughts.THis Gurbani says that there is only one creator for all of us, all the souls, and when creator creates us, he also takes care of all our needs. He is the one who gives. He has a plan for all of us, then why we worry. Whats the point in worrying. Surrender to the will of our creator. He created us for a reason, and he will make sure that if we follow our hearts, if we are true to ourselves, the reason we are here, is also taken care of. Lets not forget our creator, our source ever.

Friday, 27 November 2015

Day 27 - Mantra for Good Health & Healing - DHANVANTRI MANTRA [108 Times...

Dhanvantri Mantra is known for Healing powers it has, especially when chanted 108 times. 

We hope this helps. As part of Thanksgiving Weekend Giveaway, you can download it free from this link : 

Blessings and Peace !!

OM Mantra Chanting | 108 Times | Without Music Pure Vocals | Free Download


Meditative Mind wishes you and your family all a very Happy Thanksgiving.
We Thankyou for all your support, wishes and blessings. And as a thankyou from our side this Entire Long weekend , we will be giving away free downloads of New Mantra Chants every day.
Download this OM Mantra Chanting (Pure Vocals without Music)
Also, if you would like to have MP3 for any chant or chakra music featured on our Youtube Channel, please email us at , If the requests arrives in our mailbox by 29th Nov, Sunday, we will send you MP3 for personal listening as a Free Download.
Today we are featuring OM Mantra Chanting without any music with 108 repetitions. This track is special request by some of our viewers, as they mentioned that music sometimes disturbs during their meditation practice. So we recorded a Pure Vocal Chanting Meditation of OM Mantra, with 108 Repetitions.
Subscribe to our Channel to get Notified for Tomorrow’s Mantra and Free Download
Subscribe here :

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Day 26 - Mantra to Remove All Problems - HEY GOBIND HEY GOPAL - 30 Days ...

Problems are normal part of life, but sometimes we need help to get us out of these problems. We need help to stand back up. And this mantra just offers that help. Its written by Guru Arjun Dev Ji


He gobinḏ he gopāl he ḏa▫i▫āl lāl. ||1||

O Preserver of the World,  O Sustainer of the World, O Dear Merciful Beloved.

Parān nāth anāth sakẖe ḏīn ḏaraḏ nivār. ||1||

You are the Master of the breath of life, the Companion of the lost and forsaken, Remove me from this Misery

He samrath agam pūran mohi ma▫i▫ā ḏẖār. ||2||

O All-powerful, unimaginable, please shower me with Your Compassion.

Anḏẖ kūp mahā bẖa▫i▫ān Nānak pār uṯār. ||3||8||30||

Please, carry me across this terrible, deep dark pit of  despair to the other side.

~ Understand ~ Meditate ~ Chant ~ Sing Along this beautiful Mantra ~

As part of 30 DAYS of CHANTS we are featuring New Mantra Meditations everyday. Join us on this Journey of Mindfulness and Bliss

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Day 25 - Mantra to Destroy Ego - Hukmai Andar Sabko - Guru Nanak Dev Jay...

Join Meditative Mind on Day 25 of 'The 30 Days of Chants' journey!

A very Happy Guru Nanak Jayanti

Today we feature beautiful Gurbani written by Shri Guru Nanak Dev ji. It is part of Japji Sahib.


Hukmai anḏar sabẖ ko bāhar hukam na ko▫e.

Everything is in Thy Will, nothing is outside of it.

Nānak hukmai je bujẖai ṯa ha▫umai kahai na ko▫e. ||2|| 

O Nanak, one who surrenders to thy will, does not speak in ego.


When we live too much in our minds, we loose that peace that we all crave for. Understanding that everything that happens in this universe is according to the will of that supreme creator of all. When we came into this world, it was not our will. It was his will. And if we just meditate on this, and surrender ourselves completely to his will, we immediately start to let go, we start to let life happen to us, instead of waiting for things to happen. Instead of postponing happiness, we start being happy now. And When we we internalize this, and know that all are governed by his will, that ego, disappears. Its ego that keeps us in our mind, that keeps planning for future and nurturing the past. When we know that That supreme power has a plan for our lives, we start living in the moment.

Day 24 - Tvameva Mata Ch Pita Tvameva - Mantra Chanting - 30 Days of Chants

Day 24 of '30 DAYS of CHANTS'

Today we choose a very special mantra, A mantra dedicated to the Guru, To the person who guides us from darkness to light. Who guides us from ignorance to knowledge.  This mantra is part of Guru Stotram - Tvameva Mata Ch Pita Tvameva .


त्वमेव माता च पिता त्वमेव ।
त्वमेव बन्धुश्च सखा त्वमेव ।
त्वमेव विद्या द्रविणम् त्वमेव ।
त्वमेव सर्वम् मम देव देव ॥

Tvameva Mata Ch Pita Tvameva |
Tvameva Bandhush-Ca Sakha Tvameva |
Tvameva Vidyaa Dravinnam Tvameva |
Tvameva Sarvam Mam Deva Deva ||

Oh My Dear Guru, You are mother and father to me,
You only are my relative and my friend.
You are my wisdom and my wealth
you are my divine light , my god.

In ancient India, Guru had a very special place, Guru was treated like God. If you are learning anything Yoga, Music, An instrument, Dance, Or may be you have spiritual Guru.  Dedicate this Mantra to your Guru.Today I dedicate this beautiful Mantra to my Gurus.

Monday, 23 November 2015

Day 23 - Night Meditation Mantra for Peace - ANTARJAMI POORAKH BIDHATE -...

Day 23 : Night Meditation Mantra for PEACE


ਅੰਤਰਜਾਮੀ ਪੁਰਖ ਬਿਧਾਤੇ ਸਰਧਾ ਮਨ ਕੀ ਪੂਰੇ ॥

Anṯarjāmī purakẖ biḏẖāṯe sarḏẖā man kī pūre.

O Inner-knower, Searcher of Hearts, O Primal Being, Architect of Destiny: please fulfill this yearning of my mind.

ਨਾਨਕ ਦਾਸੁ ਇਹੈ ਸੁਖੁ ਮਾਗੈ ਮੋ ਕਉ ਕਰਿ ਸੰਤਨ ਕੀ ਧੂਰੇ

Nānak ḏās ihai sukẖ māgai mo ka▫o kar sanṯan kī ḏẖūre.

Nanak, Your slave, begs for this happiness: let me be the dust of the feet of the Saints.

Translation and Meaning : Srigranth

Language : Gurmukhi

Source : Kirtan Sohila

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Day 22 - Mantra to Live in the Moment - AAD POORAN MADH POORAN ~ 30 Days...


Mantra to Live in the Moment

Today's mantra is a tool to break mind's habit to delay happiness, delay living. And bring us back to Living this Moment, to Enjoy this very moment. Because this moment is all we have.


ਆਦਿ ਪੂਰਨ ਮਧਿ ਪੂਰਨ ਅੰਤਿ ਪੂਰਨ ਪਰਮੇਸੁਰੇਹ ||  
Aad Pooran Madh Pooran Ant Pooran Parmesaray


Aad Pooran - Complete in the beginning 
Madh Pooran - Complete in the middle
Ant Pooran - Complete in the end
Parmesarey - God, Lord, The divine Force, Supreme creative being.


Every moment, every sec, nano second, everything is complete, perfect in all respects. The way it was meant to be. Our being, our universe, our surroundings, its all complete. Its in our minds, that we make this separation, this differentiation between things, what is complete and incomplete. This universe was complete even when we never existed here. It will be complete when we will be long gone. All we have this Moment, And its complete in Every Aspect. You dont need 100 of other things. Mind has this extraordinary ability to postpone, postpone our happiness, postpone living, just because right now, the current moment, current situation, current circumstances, are not perfect - are not complete. What this Mantra tells us is that everything inside you and outside you is all perfect, complete in all respect. And will be. and it was always like that.

Our Being, That creative supreme energy which created all of us, was complete at the beginning of this universe when there was no time, no earth, no stars. In the middle also its complete in all respect. and it will be complete at the end of it all. 

Friday, 20 November 2015

Day 20 - Powerful Healing Mantra - PRANA APANA - 30 Days of Chants

We deeply believe that our mind has power to heal any pain, any emotional wound and real healing occurs from within. And this mantra is a powerful tool to reach within yourself and help you with healing. Listen to it, Understand, Chant, and Meditate along with it.  We hope that this track will help you.


प्राणा अपाना शुष्मणा हरी

Prana Apana Sushumna. Hari.

हरी हर हरी हर हरी हर हरी

Hari Har Hari Har Hari Har Hari


Prana is the Life Force, The life energy. Apana is the Eliminating force or removing force or energy. Sushumna is the channel through which these energy move around our body. Hari and Har are the names of the that divine source of infinite energy, healing source, some also say that word Hari comes from Hara, which means the remover, remover of pain and negativity. This mantra is very powerful healing device. Both for physical as well as emotional healing. When using this mantra for healing, concentrate on your breathing, and as you inhale visualize that a life force, life energy or prana is energy into your system, . With Apana, visualize that all the pain and negativity and energy blockages inside your body are being removed And Sushumna, is the channel, Its through which the energy is circulating in your body. Visualize that air and energy is circulating within you entire body, each and every cell of your being is lit up by the life force. And as we come to word Hari, Smile and take in all the wonderful things universe has to offer. That Hari has to offer.

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Day 18 ~ GOBINDAY MUKUNDAY ~ Mantra for Clearing Subconscious ~ 30 Days ...

Join us on Day 18 of 'The 30 Days of Chants' journey!

Today we are featuring Mantra for Clearing Subconscious. Gobinday Mukunday


Gobinday Mukunday Udaaray Apaaray
World Saviour. Emancipator. Benevolent. Boundless.

Hareean Kareean Nrinaamay Akaamay
All Extinguisher. All creator. Nameless. Desire Less.

This Mantra is known for its ability to break the deep rooted notions, self beliefs and thought patterns which are lying in our subconscious for ages. Each word here is worth meditating upon. We all have the qualities of that divine Infinite creative source within us. Essentially what this mantra describes is what we are. We are not the Name thats given to us, we are far bigger than that, we all have that creative energy, we all have that heart which can blossom into a flower. When we meditate on each word, we come to know what our true source is, where we came from and who we are. 

~ Understand ~ Meditate ~ Chant ~ Sing Along this beautiful Mantra
~ Remember to Breathe fully and naturally. 
~ Cultivate Mindfulness. 
~ Enjoy the Journey.  
~ Smile


As part of 30 DAYS of CHANTS we are featuring new Mantra Meditations and Chants daily.  Come Join us in this journey of bliss and mindfulness


Tuesday, 17 November 2015

7 Beautiful Sikh Mantras for Meditation ~ 30 DAYS of CHANTS

This track consists of 7 Beautiful Sikh Mantras (Gurbani) for your Chanting Meditation. You can also play these in the background for yoga or as you do you normal work work,  and let the healing and positive vibrations of these mantras spread around your space.


00:00 Tohi Mohi Mohi Tohi Antar Kaisa - Mantra for Positive Energy

06:11 Aad Guray Nameh - Mantra for Protection

11:28 Dukh Par Har Sukh Ghar Lai Jai - Mantra for Healing Pain

18:04 Rakhay Rakhanhaar - Complete Protection Mantra

22:46 Ang Sang Wahe Guru - Mantra to remove lonliness

29:19 Ek Onkar - Mool Mantar - Morning Mantra for Connecting to our beautiful soul inside.

35: 20 Wahe Guru Wahe Jio - Simran - Mantra of Ecstacy

~ Remember to Breathe fully and naturally.

~ Cultivate Mindfulness.

~ Enjoy the Journey.

~ Smile

Day 17 ~ HAR HAR MUKANDAY ~ Mantra of Liberation ~ 30 Days of Chants

Let all your fears out, break free from the box you have limited yourself to till now. 
Meditate on Heart Chakra along with this Meditation Mantra


Sunday, 15 November 2015

Day 15 ~ Satnam Sri Waheguru ~ 30 Days of Chants

Day 15 of '30 Days of Chants'


Satnam Sri Waheguru


Satnam means the Name is Truth

Wahe represents ecstasy,

Guru is the one who takes us from Darkness to the light.

Great is the Guru, my teacher who leads me from darkness to light.

Understand ~ Meditate ~ Chant ~ Sing Along this beautiful Mantra

~ Remember to Breathe fully and naturally. Cultivate Mindfulness. Enjoy the Journey.  Smile ~

#30DaysOfChants  #30Days

Day 15 ~ Satnam Sri Waheguru ~ 30 Days of Chants

Day 15 of '30 Days of Chants'


 ਸਤਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਸ਼ਰੀ ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ

Satnam Sri Waheguru


Satnam means the Name is Truth

Wahe represents ecstasy,

Guru is the one who takes us from Darkness to the light.

Great is the Guru, my teacher who leads me from darkness to light.

#30DaysOfChants #30Days

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Day 14 ~ OM SO HUM ~ Meditation Mantra ~ 30 Days of Chants

Join us on Day 14 for 30 Days of Chants 

Today we bring a beautiful OM So Hum Chanting Meditation.

So Hum is derived from Sanskrit and literally means "I am That" . it means identifying oneself with the universe or ultimate reality. As we meditate on this, we realize that we are all one, we have all come from one Infinite Source, and a part (Ansh) of that infinite source is present in all of us. We are all connected. 
"You are the same as I am" OM is the sound of universe. Om Soham ~ I am the universe, I am part of it, I am connected to that Infinite source,

~ To time your meditation session along with this track, we have introduced a single bell at 15 mins, 30 mins, 45 Mins and 60 Mins interval. Happy Meditation :) 

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Day 12 - EK NOOR TE SAB JAB UPJA - Mantra Chanting Meditation Music - 30...

Today we have taken a Shabad from Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji for our Mantra Chanting Meditation.  'Ek Noor Te Sab Jab Upjia'

These words were written by Saint Kabeer and much before we scientifically proved the Big Bang Theory. It always fascinated us, that how could these saints know about something 400-500 years before science brought this our knowledge. But we also believe that through meditation, one gets that creative insight, where one connects with the energy of our supreme source and that gives you that knowledge of where we all came from. Now to the actual Shabad/Mantra


ਅਵਲਿ ਅਲਹ ਨੂਰੁ ਉਪਾਇਆ ਕੁਦਰਤਿ ਕੇ ਸਭ ਬੰਦੇ ॥

अवलि अलह नूरु उपाइआ कुदरति के सभ बंदे ॥

Aval alah nūr upā▫i▫ā kuḏraṯ ke sabẖ banḏe.

First, Allah created the Light; then, by His Creative Power, He made all mortal beings.

ਏਕ ਨੂਰ ਤੇ ਸਭੁ ਜਗੁ ਉਪਜਿਆ ਕਉਨ ਭਲੇ ਕੋ ਮੰਦੇ ॥੧॥

एक नूर ते सभु जगु उपजिआ कउन भले को मंदे ॥१॥

Ėk nūr ṯe sabẖ jag upji▫ā ka▫un bẖale ko manḏe. ||1||

From the One Light, the entire universe welled up. So who is good, and who is bad? ||1||


At first there was only light, the pure consciousness, and we all have come from that source. We are the creation of that infinite energy source, which created this entire universe, this earth, plants and beings.

Since we have all sprung from the same light, entire universe has welled up from that light, we all have the part of that light, that consciousness within us, we all have that, and that makes us all the same. These birds, plants, we human beings, sand, water, oceans and fishes and all are part of that light. So why we do this differentiation of good and bad. we are all the same.

~ Meditate ~ Develop your own understanding of these words ~ Chant ~ Sing Along

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Day 10 ~ Tu Thakur Tum Peh Ardas - 30 Days of Chants

Day 10 Chant from 30 Days of Chants Journey 'Tu Thakur Tum Peh Ardas'

Join Us for Everyday Chants -

This passage is sung before the final prayers of any devotional Sikh service.

Tu Thaakur Tum Peh Ardas ||

You are our Master; to You, I offer this humble prayer.

Jeeo Pind Sabh Tayree Raas ||

This body and soul are all Your Belonging.

Thum Maath Pithaa Ham Baarik Thaerae ||

You are our mother and father; and we are your children.

Tumaree Kirpaa Meh Sukh Ghanayrey ||

In Your Grace, we experience ultimate Peace!

Koe N Jaanay Tumraa Unt ||

No one knows Your infinite vastness.

Oochay Tey Oochaa Bhagavant ||

O Highest of the High, Most Generous God,

Sagal Samagree Tumaray Soothr Dhaaree ||

The whole creation is strung on Your thread.

Tum Tey Hoe So Aageyakaaree ||

That which has come from You is in Your will.

Tumaree Gath Mith Tum Hee Jaanee ||

You alone know Your Existence and Vastness.

Nanak Daas Sadhaa Kurbaanee ||8||4||

Nanak, Your slave, is forever surrendering to you. ||8||4||

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Buddhist Meditation Chants | 4 Incredible Mantras for Positive Energy, P...


 4 Incredible Buddhist Meditation Mantras Chants  for Positive Energy, Peace & Prosperity

1. ~ Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha ~ 
Mantra of Compassion and Action. Full of Positive energy.

2. ~ Om Mani Padme Hum~ 
Mantra for Purification of Mind and Soul Removes all the Negative Energy

3. ~ Om Amideva Hrih ~ 
Mantra for Success and Prosperity, protects against all dangers and obstacles and overcome all hindrances in the path of Success.

4. ~ Buddham Saranam Gacchami ~
Mantra of Peace and Surrender

Monday, 9 November 2015

Day 9 - JAP MAN SAT NAM - Mantra Meditation Music - 30 Days of Chants

Join Meditative Mind on Day 9 of 'The 30 Days of Chants' journey!


ਜਪਿ ਮਨ ਸਤਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਸਦਾ ਸਤਿ ਨਾਮੁ ॥

जपि मन सति नामु सदा सति नामु ॥

Jap Man Sat Nam, Sat Nam, Sadaa Sat Nam


Chant, Oh my mind - Oh my heart, the True Name, Sat Nam, the True Name.

There are times when things are not going according to the plan, when things are hard, when we feel low, chant this mantra to remind yourself of that creative infinite power which is always with you. this mantra will help you proceed with that faith in your heart.

Mantra has powers to bring you out when you are stuck. It has powers to heal hearts. It brings back the positive energy to push when you are feeling low. It connect you with that divine power, and when you are feeling helpless, it gives you faith.

A wonderful mantra to chant, and meditate upon.


Connect and support others down below!  Cultivate Mindfulness. Breathe Fully. Remember the journey itself is the reward! See you tomorrow!

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Day 8 - GOBINDA HARI - See the God Within - Mantra Meditation Music and ...

 'GOBINDA GOBINDA HARI HARI'. The Mantra is very simple, Words are very simple but profound.


गोबिंद गोबिंद हरि हरि



Gobinda: God, the Sustainer and Support of All

Hari: God, the Fresh, Beautiful, Potent Healing Energy that inherently exists within each of us. Hari also comes from the word Hara, which means remover, the remover of suffering, remover of negativity, remover of pain.  As we meditate on these words, everyone develops their on understanding.

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Day 7 - MAGIC MANTRA - Reverse Negative to Positive | Meditation Music

Join Meditative Mind on Day 7 of 'The 30 Days of Chants' journey!

Today we are bringing a special mantra for you, Its Also Called the Magic Mantra. Its known for its powers to reverse negative into positive, Negative circumstances, Negative habits, Negative minds, negative surroundings.. and this Mantra has power to convert them all to positive.


ੴ ਸਤਿ  ਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ



There is one Creator of all Creation.  All is a blessing of the One Creator.  This realization comes through Guru's Grace.

Everything around us, and us, the thoughts we generate inside ourselves are all coming via one source. This Mantra aligns us, our thoughts with that of the 'One Creator'. Thus removing all negativity inside us, in our hearts. We are part of everything inside us and outside. And everything every living being has some part of us. We all came from that one source. Then that hatred, that negativity inside us vanishes.

Connect and support others down below!  Cultivate Mindfulness. Breathe Fully. Remember the journey itself is the reward! See you tomorrow!

Friday, 6 November 2015

Day 6 ~ OM HARI OM ~ Mantra Meditation Music - Peaceful Chanting Meditat...

Vibrations of OM HARI OM Mantra can remove all negativity inside us and around us. Chant & Meditate on it.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Meditation Music for the 7 Chakras | 105 Mins

Give you body an energy boost. Unblock Chakras with this Glorious Meditation music. Music has been composed to stimulate specific energy centers in our body, called chakras. And restore the energy flow between these chakras.
You can also listen to this before you go to sleep tonight. And feel the difference in energy next morning.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Day 3 - HARE KRISHNA - Maha Mantra

Day3 of 30 Days of Chants. Go Deeper. Breathe Fully and Chant Hare Krishna Mantra

Monday, 2 November 2015

Day 2 : Buddham Saranam Gacchami | feat. 3D Audio

Join Meditative Mind on Day 2 of 'The 30 Days of Chants' journey!  And today we will recite Buddhist Mantra in Pali Language ' Buddham Saranam Gacchami'.

We also feature 3D Audio in this track, so use of headphones is recommended, but not mandatory.

Day 2 is all about beginning the process of surrendering to the higher self. To know that there is some bigger, higher force or energy that is in play, and we all have access to that energy. And how can we access that force that energy? By surrendering, by taking refuge into that higher self, by becoming one with that, by becoming part of that force, that energy. And that journey starts with taking refuge in Buddha Dhamma Sangha. And there is a formula that we can recite for that.

Buddham saranam gacchami

I go to the Buddha for refuge

Dhammam saranam gacchami

I go to the Dhamma for refuge

Sangham saranam gacchami

I go to the Sangha for refuge.

These words are not just for uttering, but for investigating, to go deep into their meaning. To meditate upon. Buddha means the one who takes us from Darkness to Light, towards wisdom. Towards higher consciousness towards mindfuless. Dhamma is 'Here - and - Now', It is not taking refuge into some intellectual writings or anything but something we can access here and now.  Sangha Means community, community where people support, help each other in the meditation practice. It is very important to have a community, so that when you are feeling down, when you are not feeling your 100%, or when you are stuck somewhere, the Community is there to Help you, to pull you up.

~ Understand ~ Meditate ~ Chant and Sing Along ~

Go Deeper. Connect and support others down below!  Cultivate Mindfulness. Breathe Fully. Remember the journey itself is the reward! See you tomorrow!

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Day 1 - WAH YANTEE - Mantra for Intuition & Creativity - 30 Days of Chants

Join Meditative Mind on Day 1 of '30 Days of Chants' journey! We Start with an incredibly ancient mantra - WAH YANTEE, written in Sanskrit by the father of the yoga sutras - Maharishi Patanjali.


Waa yantee kar yantee

jag dut patee

aadak it waha

brahmaday  trayshaa guru

it wahe guru


Great Macroself, Creative Self.

All that is creative through time,

all that is the Great One.

Three aspects of God: Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh.

That is Wahe Guru.


This Mantra is Given to us by Yogi Maharashi Pitanjali, some 2000 years ago. The Wah Yantee Mantra is known for Awakening of Intuition and relates to the Second Chakra - the Sacral Chakra which is the seat of creativity.

When the Mind is Clear, when we start thinking with our hearts instead of our minds, we let all the thoughts and pain out of our energy system. Thats when we are ready to receive that gift of intuition and creation which is within all of us.

~ Understand ~ Meditate ~ Chant and Sing Along ~

Connect and support others down below!  Cultivate Mindfulness. Breathe Fully. Remember the journey itself is the reward! See you tomorrow!