Saturday, 24 October 2015

Healing Meditation Music | THE SACRAL CHAKRA

This Sacral Chakra or Svadhishthana Meditation Music based on Indian Classical Raag - Yaman, which is associated Raag for this Chakra. Features Frequencies 288Hz(Root Note of the Composition), 417Hz, and 210.42Hz


➻ Sit comfortably in your normal posture, you can also sit on a chair. Key idea is to keep your back straight and not to slouch. 
➻ Close your Eyes and Breathe Slowly but naturally. Take your attention inwards, to do this, concentrate on your breathe, on the air as you breathe in and out. And as you start getting more relaxed. This is a wonderful way to silence the mind, and develop more focus.
➻ Now visualize an orange sphere, a energy sphere in the  lower abdomen below the navel. As you breathe in the sphere becomes larger full of energy, and as you breathe out, this orange energy goes up the spine and radiates outwards via the top of your head.
➻ As you will become more relaxed and your focus becomes more strong, you will feel the vibrations of the frequency in the music simulating the chakra. It may take 5-15 mins
➻ As the energy moves upward through the spine and spreads to the rest of your body, you may feel waves or ripples going up your spine.
➻ Sacral chakra element is water, feel as if you are flowing freely as water. Let go everything. If during meditation, your hands, body, legs flow, move, sway let it be, its your water nature manifesting
➻ Minimum Recommended time : 21Mins.

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