Saturday, 29 August 2015

Mantra for Positive Energy | Tohi Mohi Mohi Tohi | Relaxing Calming Medi...

The work, the travel and our responsibilities, duties and everything that we do, all take energy out of our system. And at the end of the day, we sleep to replenish that energy. To start afresh. But the energy that we get from sleep, is only one tenth of the energy we can get from Meditation. During meditation, with practice, as we let all the thoughts, worries, problems, past, future out of our mind and our systems, we give ourselves opportunity to connect with the Universal Source of All of Us, The Infinite Source of Energy, The One from where we all emerged. But we need to be able to connect with that source, And Meditation is the only way to Connect. And As we connect with that Infinite and profound source of energy, that positivity, that love, our original source, we realize that there is no difference between we two. And as we connect with our source, the Positive Energy Starts to Flow into us. The energy which is far greater that anything else. The energy which can heal diseases and heal all our pain. Which can fill our hearts with love and which can purify our minds.

Mantra : Tohi Mohi Mohi Tohi Antar Kaisa

Meaning : Oh Lord !! You are Me and I am you. What is the difference between us.

Understand ~ Meditate ~ Chant ~ Sing Along

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