Monday, 31 August 2015

Buddhist Mantra to Enhance Wisdom | OM A RA PA TSA NA DHIH | Relaxing Me...

Manjushri is a Bodhisattva who represents wisdom. This Mantra is believed to enhance one's wisdom, memory and learning abilities.

he more emphasis and times the chant is recited, the more likely it is to succeed.


MEANING : According to the schema laid out in the Large Sutra of Perfect Wisdom (adapted from Conze)

A leads to the insight that the essence of all things is unproduced.

RA leads to the insight that all things are pure and free of defilements.

PA leads to the insight that all dharmas have been “expounded in the ultimate sense.”

CA leads to the insight that the arising and ceasing of things cannot be apprehended because in reality there is no arising or ceasing.

NA leads to the insight that although the names for things change the nature of things behind their names cannot be gained or lost.

Sunday, 30 August 2015

Buddhist Mantra To overcome All Obstacles & Hindrances | OM AMIDEVA HRIH...

Also known as Mantra for Success - Oṃ Amideva Hrīḥ is a sacred mantra of BUDDHA AMITABHA. It is known to protect against all dangers and obstacles and overcome all hinderances. to your success. The mantra enhances your compassionate and loving nature bringing incredible blessings each time you recite the mantra.

Practice chanting this mantra in Dhyan Mudra for atleast 11mins or more everyday.

Saturday, 29 August 2015

Mantra for Positive Energy | Tohi Mohi Mohi Tohi | Relaxing Calming Medi...

The work, the travel and our responsibilities, duties and everything that we do, all take energy out of our system. And at the end of the day, we sleep to replenish that energy. To start afresh. But the energy that we get from sleep, is only one tenth of the energy we can get from Meditation. During meditation, with practice, as we let all the thoughts, worries, problems, past, future out of our mind and our systems, we give ourselves opportunity to connect with the Universal Source of All of Us, The Infinite Source of Energy, The One from where we all emerged. But we need to be able to connect with that source, And Meditation is the only way to Connect. And As we connect with that Infinite and profound source of energy, that positivity, that love, our original source, we realize that there is no difference between we two. And as we connect with our source, the Positive Energy Starts to Flow into us. The energy which is far greater that anything else. The energy which can heal diseases and heal all our pain. Which can fill our hearts with love and which can purify our minds.

Mantra : Tohi Mohi Mohi Tohi Antar Kaisa

Meaning : Oh Lord !! You are Me and I am you. What is the difference between us.

Understand ~ Meditate ~ Chant ~ Sing Along

Friday, 28 August 2015

Mantra to Calm Mind | Tan Man Shaant | Soothing Calming Relaxing Medita...

One of the very difficult tasks or art that we will ever learn is to calm our own minds. 100 thoughts running around in our mind at any time, we repeat things happened in the past, worry about the future and  are never in the here and now. To be true happy, we have to be fully present in now. But we are always so many projects we need to do, the stress about work, what we want to achieve, and all this fog of thoughts in our minds, keep us from being fully present in the current moment.

As we calm our minds, we let the present and let the life happen to us. As we understand, meditate and chant this mantra. the peace starts to seep in our minds and we become calm.

MANTRA : Ŧan man shāʼnṯ hoi aḏẖikāī rog kātai sūkẖ savījai.

MEANING : My mind and body are calm and tranquil; the disease has been cured, and now I sleep in peace.

Understand ~ Meditate ~ Chant and Sing Along

~ Ŧan man shāʼnṯ hoi aḏẖikāī rog kātai sūkẖ savījai.  ~

Meditative Mind is dedicated to creating music and Mantra chanting tracks for Meditation and relaxation. We specially design tracks for chakras and sanskrit and buddhist meditation mantras.

Join us in this journey of inner peace and mindfulness by subscribing to our channel . Once you subscribe you will get regular updates on the new videos we upload.


Photo used under License: CC0 Public Domain

Original Composition and Sung by : Dilpreet Bhatia

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Mantra to Remove Loneliness | Ang Sang WaheGuru Simran | Chanting

We all feel lonely sometimes, that feeling that no one is standing by our side. or may be someone who is close to your heart is not with you right now. Understanding, Meditating on it and Chanting this Mantra eliminates that loneliness in our hearts. And we realize that we are never alone. How can we be alone, we are part of THE ONE, and He is part of us.

What this Mantra means is that the creator of this universe, he himself is with us, holding our hands and guiding us in our every step and leading us from darkness to light. He resides in each and every cell of our being, and we are not separate from him, we are a part of his beautiful creation. 'Ang Sang' means always around me, always there along with me, 'Waheguru'  the one who leads us from 'Gu' - darkness to 'Ru' - the light. He is always with us, and we are not alone. So, dont worry, dont fear anything, dont feel that emptiness in your heart, if you look deeply, and meditate and understand he is there for you, has been always there for you, and will always be, You just have to look inside and you will find him in every cell. filling every cell with the light, filling every cell with love, filling you with love. ..

Understand ~ Meditate ~ Chant and Sing Along


Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Divine Help Mantra | Aap Sahai Hoa | Simran | Chanting

There are times when things are not in our hands, when we can not control whats happening around us. Those times we need the help of divine. That divine which is not someone outside of us, but inside all of us. And present all around us.

MANTRA  Aap Sahai Hoa Sachay Daa Sacha Doaa, Har Har Har

MEANING OF MANTRA: The Lord Himself has become my protector, my support and my healer. The Truest of the True has taken care of us, God, God, God.

Chant this mantra for 11 to 31 minutes every day to bring the blessings of prosperity into your life. This mantra overcomes all challenges.  It will help in realizing that divine power that resides inside us and we recognize that God, the One, the Creator of this Universe is with us, within us, and always there. We just have to look inside ourselves.

Meditate ~ Chant ~ Sing Along and spread the positive energy all around you.

~ HAR ~ HAR ~ HAR ~

Monday, 24 August 2015

WaheGuru Wahe Guru Wahe Jio | Mantra of Spiritual Ecstasy

Mantra of Spiritual Ecstasy, WaheGuru Wahe Guru Wahe Jio  - Chant, Sing Along, Celebrate!!

Saturday, 22 August 2015

Confused? This Magical Mantra can help you reach to a Decision

We all face situations where we need to take difficult decisions, where we are not able to see which direction is right or wrong, And we keep on thinking endlessly. We end up so confused, not able to decide which one will turnout right for us. So what we should do? 
Understand, Meditate on this Mantra to go deeper into its meaning and Chant it, and it should guide you to the right choice. If not the right choice, it will guide you to surrender to the will of the One... the Universe, and you will not be paralyzed by indecisiveness. As you meditate with this Mantra, go deep into it and understand the meaning, you will know that indecisiveness comes from the fear, and by means of this mantra you will let that fear go, take a decision and get into action. By this mantra, you will learn to surrender, Do the Karma, instead of getting too much attached to the outcome.

जेहि विधि होइ नाथ हित मोरा 
करहु सो वेगि दास मैन तोरा ।।
jehi vidhi hoi naath hit moraa
karahu so vegi daas main toraa
O Lord !! I don't know what to do, I dont know which direction to go.
I here by surrender to you, to your will, and I know you will do whatever is good for me..
~ OM ~
About Meditative Mind Initiative
Meditative Mind is dedicated to creating music and Mantra chanting tracks for Meditation and relaxation. We specially design tracks for chakras and sanskrit and buddhist meditation mantras.
Join us in this journey of inner peace and mindfulness by subscribing to our channel . Once you subscribe you will get regular updates on the new videos we upload.

Friday, 21 August 2015

OM Vasudhare Svaha | Buddhist Money Mantra

The Buddhist money mantra, "Om Vasudhare Svaha," is a prayer to the earth goddess, Vasudhara.

Thursday, 20 August 2015

OM MANI PADME HUM | Compassion Mantra

Buddhist Meditation and Healing Mantra for Compassion - OM MANI PADME HUM

#MeditativeMind #Bliss #Mindfulness

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

ROOT CHAKRA | LAM CHANTS | Raag Shyam Kalyan @ 256Hz

Its our effort to bring all elements of the chakras - The Frequency, the Chants, and the Raags associated with Root Chakra. So here are LAM chants in 256Hz and calming piano in raaga Shyam Kalyan

Sunday, 2 August 2015