Tuesday, 26 December 2017

OM SO HUM Mantra Meditation (New)

So Hum is derived from Sanskrit and literally means "I am That" . it means identifying oneself with the universe or ultimate reality. As we meditate on this, we realise that we are all one, we have all come from one Infinite Source, and a part (Ansh) of that infinite source is present in all of us. We are all connected.
"You are the same as I am" OM is the sound of universe. Om Soham ~ I am the universe, I am part of it, I am connected to that Infinite source.

Its not just a mantra which we should understand, its a technique and just chanting Om So Hum, Om So Hum for 10-15 mins daily can relax the breathing and balance our inner energy flow.

Just few minutes of meditating along with this magical mantra can bring calm and so much positivity inside and out.

Tuesday, 19 December 2017


~ Ganesh Maha Mantra ~

Inspiring mantra meditation dedicated to Lord Ganesha - Chant it before starting any new venture.  Especially, when inner or outer obstacles are holding us back to get to our true self and fully realising our potential.

#Mantra #Meditation #Healing #Mindfulness #Love #Wellness #peace #zen #Yoga #Success #startup #Inspiration

Friday, 8 December 2017

963 Hz Frequency | Mandala Meditation Music | Pure Tone Pineal Gland Act...

963Hz Frequency - a very exotic and powerful solfeggio frequency associated with pineal gland activation, helping in improved intuition and on the physical level, being in proximity of this frequency helps in headache relief and calming the mind.

#Solfeggio #Healing #Meditation #Mandala

Thursday, 7 December 2017

MANTRA to LET GO of the P.A.S.T.

We all feel helpless, out of control, and overwhelmed by situations, circumstances and life.
Meditating on this mantra helps us to surrender, to Let Go and return to the present Moment. There is some blissful beauty in surrender. Surrendering to the will of the God. All we can and we should do is it to give and commit ourselves fully to the present moment. We hope that this mantra will help.

Full Mantra & Meaning

Kiraṯ paiā nah metai ko▫e. Kiā jāṇā kiā āgai hoe.
Jo ṯis bẖāṇā soī hūā. Avar na karṇai vālā ḏūā.

Past actions cannot be erased.
What do we know of what will happen hereafter?
Whatever pleases the one shall come to pass.
There is no other Doer except that one creator of all of us.

Infinite Love and Gratitude

Friday, 24 November 2017

OM NAMAH SHIVAYA Mantra + SHIV TANDAV BEATS | Powerful 11 Mins of Mantra...

One of the ancient vedic mantras , OM Namah Shivaya  is an Adoration to Lord Śhiva, preceded by the mystical syllable OM or  Aum. It is also known as Shiva Mantra, and is said to be a mantra of Transformation. Chanting this mantra helps to in overcoming  internal limitations and negativity and leads us to the path of higher consciousness.

We have combined this powerful mantra with entrancing Shiv Tandav Beats. Hope this is helpful!!

Infinite Love and Gratitude!!

Saturday, 21 October 2017

528 Hz | The Miracle Tone Music | Solfeggio Soundscapes


528 Hz - The Miracle Tone Music from #Solfeggio Soundscapes Series

#HealingMusic #MeditationMusic #MeditativeMind

Monday, 2 October 2017

Mantra to Overcome Attachment and Letting Go ❯ MOH MOHIYA ❯ Mantra Medit...

Today, We Meditate along with a simple, beautiful yet a very powerful mantra - mantra to overcome attachment - to let go . be it emotional attachment or attachment to material things or not so material things.

We all get attached to things we like, people we love, attention we get from others.. its perfectly normal.. we are human beings .. and this is what makes us human. But problem arises when these attachment become a hinderance for us to live in the present. When we cling to things, people, fame, power, ideas. When our attachment restricts us and others to grow, to learn, to seek and to be what we really are capable of.

And often it seems very difficult for us to let go... and this mantra is just there to help us in those difficult times. Understand the meaning, meditate upon it and chant along. We hope this will help you :)

Infinite Love and Gratitude.


Moh mohiā jānai ḏūr hai.

Kaho Nānak saḏā haḏūr hai. ||


Infatuated with emotional attachment, we think that its a very long journey towards enlightenment, towards being one with oneself, towards living in the moment. Says Nanak, it is here, now. available to all of us. ||

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Throat Chakra Healing Music ❯ EXT. POWERFUL ❯ Chakra Meditation Music ❯ ...

A blocked throat chakra can contribute to feelings of insecurity, timidity, and introversion.  Listening and Meditating along with the music tuned to 384Hz which is the frequency of vibration of Throat Chakra, we can slowly unblock the energy in this chakra.

With MBIRAA WAVES Chakra Meditation Music, we have tried to create sound waves of throat chakra vibrational frequency by striking and bowing a beautiful Wooden African Mbira.  Also the colors of the video are soothing blue which help in tuning the chakra. We hope this effort of ours will help!!

Many Blessings

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

HEALING MUSIC @432Hz ⦑ MBIRA WAVES ⦒ Meditation Music

New Healing Music Track from our new meditation music series - MBIRA WAVES. It features exotic sounds of MBIRA and its Drones, perfectly tuned to 432Hz frequency. Mbira strokes repeat after 1minute, and the drones slowly fades away. perfect to meditate along. We hope this new series will help!! Many Blessings!!

Monday, 18 September 2017

AAKHAN JOR | The Joy of Surrender | Blissful Mantra Meditation

AAKHAN JOR  - This Beautiful Mantra has been given to us by Guru Nanak Dev Ji.  This chant destroys the Ego and allows us to embrace the divinity inside us. Allows us to let go and surrender to the will of the creator.

Ākẖaṇ jor cẖupai nah jor.

Jor na mangaṇ ḏeṇ na jor.

Jor na jīvaṇ maraṇ nah jor.

Jor na rāj māl man sor.

Jor na surṯī gi▫ān vīcẖār.

Jor na jugṯī cẖẖutai sansār.

Jis hath jor kar vekẖai soe.

Nānak uṯam nīcẖ na koe.

#Mantra #Meditation #Healing #MeditativeMind

Saturday, 9 September 2017

SECRET MANTRA of MYSTICS (feat. Tibetan Flute Music) Must Listen


 (feat. Tibetan Flute Music) Must Listen

It is said that mystics used to keep this mantra a secret, like a hidden weapon, and used it only when everything else failed. This Mantra is known to bring deep inner peace and positive transformation in its circle of vibrational influence. We would recommend you to remember the mantra, understand its meaning and chant it along. 
With Each chant and meditating along, you will form your own meaning of this mantra, which is relevant to you. 
 When the mantra resounds in every atom of your being, when every single cell in your body resonates with sound, – then you begin to tune into an inner sound current of ‘anahat’ meaning the ‘unstuck melody’. 
~ Om Puurnnam-Adah Puurnnam-Idam Puurnnaat-Purnnam-Udacyate Puurnnasya Puurnnam-Aadaaya Puurnnam-Eva-Avashissyate | ~

Saturday, 2 September 2017

Friday, 1 September 2017

Mantra to Overcome Fear of Failure, Anxiety & Worry | Thapeya Na Jaaye |...

We all face failures and disappointments in life, and sometimes these incidents convince us that it is the way things have to be. We are filled with endless fear, anxiety, worry and hold ourselves back

 to even try again.

We do not see the light that is within us. The light which is always there, the light which was always there. Failures, Disappointments, external success, and these are not our true nature. The soul, the light that is inside us it can not be created, and can not be destroyed. Its pure and immaculate. Thats what you are inside.

Meditate on this mantra, to find that light and courage to face and overcome every failure.

Sunday, 16 July 2017

Clear Negative

Music to Clear Negative & Bad Energy From House, and Even Yourself | It features Tibetan Singing Bowl pure sound vibrations tuned to 417 Hz !!

#Healing #MeditationMusic #Namaste #MondayMotivation

Sunday, 9 July 2017

Sleep Meditation Music for Sacral Chakra || swaddhisthana || Healing

- I feel complete peace in myself
- My emotions are balanced
- I am in touch with my sexuality and I express it in healthy ways
- I am comfortable in my body.
- I am radiant, passionate and creative being.
- I am in touch with my feelings and emotions.

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

528Hz | MIRACLE TONE | Healing Frequency Known to Repair DNA | 9 Hrs

528 Hz - The Miracle Tone - The Love Frequency - DNA Repair Frequency - This special solfeggio frequency is known for its great positive healing effects on body, mind and the environment around us. Its the frequency that also resonates with the Solar Plexus Chakra - The energy centre related to self-confidence and self-esteem and on the physical side it governs the core functioning of our body. The color related to this solfeggio frequency is yellow, its element is fire.

Listening to the music tuned to this frequency brings calm and at the same time it positively energises the cells inside our body. It promotes healing and DNA reparation is followed by its beneficial effects of increased amount of energy.

#Solfeggio #SleepMusic #HealingMusic #MeditationMusic

Monday, 19 June 2017

417 Hz | Clears Away of All the Negative Energy & Blockages

417 Hz | Clears Away of All the Negative Energy & Blockages and Helps Bring Positive Transformation. This Beautiful Solfeggio Frequency is also known to heal and balance Sacral Chakra - Our Second Energy Center. Its a frequency that can bring change, it marks the starts of new beginnings in the life, and its so powerful that it can reverse and undo negative happenings.

Benefits of 417Hz Solfeggio Frequency

✓ Remove Negative Energy from the Body

✓ Remove Negative Energy from the Home and Office

✓ Remove Negative Thoughts and Behavior Patterns

✓ Undo Situations with Negative Outcome

✓ Facilitate Change in you and others

✓ To Come out of Trauma

Let this amazingly powerful frequency vibrate and tune your Sacral Chakra and Clears Away all the Negativity, Negative Energy, Blockages and Emotions. This Miracle Tone Music is designed for Sleep, so play it at low volumes(close to human whisper) as you sleep. The screen auto-magically turns dark after a few mintues.

You are advised to use this as sleep music at low volumes.

You can also use this as background music, as you do your normal chores. We have purposefully kept the screen as dark, so that screen light is minimised.

We hope that this music will heal you, and help you.

#Solfeggio #SleepMusic #MeditativeMind

Thursday, 11 May 2017

639Hz | Attract Positive Energy ❯ Heal Heart Chakra ❯ Attract Love ❯ Bec...

639 Hz ... A frequency filled with Love, Radiance and Positive Energy, Its the frequency of Heart... Vibration of our Heart Chakra.. It can transform the most anxious hearts into compassionate loving ones... full of positive energy... As you hear this music, smile at your heart. See you heart as a flower, fresh, full of love, full of fragrance ... radiating out to the world... As you meditate along with this music, let go all the negative feelings inside your heart, and watch it become tender, full of love and positivity. 

And this frequency will help you, this music will help you in your meditation journey. 639 Hz is known for its positive effects on heart chakra, its the frequency which balances the heart chakra. and heals it. 

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

OM Mantra Meditation ❯ 8 Hours of Powerful Positive Energy Chants

OM !~ OM~ OM~~

Thats the Primordial Sound of the Universe.. Chant it to let go all the stress.. just 2 mins a day will help!!

Monday, 17 April 2017

396 Hz ❯ LET GO Fear, Stress & Negative Thoughts & Emotions ❯ Stop Anxie...

Hello Meditative Minds, We designed this track and video to help you dissolve fear, stress, anxiety. Audio is based on 396 Hz Pure Tone, a solfeggio frequency known for its healing effects on root chakra, thus liberating us from fear, worries. And video features continuously rotating red mandala, Red is the color of root chakra, its the color which energises this chakra, our fundamental energy center, thus boosting the red energy, positive energy in our entire body. We sincerely hope that this will help you...

❮ Blessings and Peace ❯

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Mantras for Deep Inner Peace | 8 Powerful Mantras

Shanti or Inner Peace, that reclusive place within us and still we find it hard to find it. As the daily activities, our aims and to do lists fill our days.. that continuous running, running after something in future or fixing something in the past takes up our time, energy. we get little too far away from our peaceful inner self. Not our fault. Thats how we all collectively built this world, which brought human race to today. We created 1000s of comforts for ourselves, but still we are not comfortable inside. We create so many processes, tools, internet to help us, to make our lives easy, but we still feel uneasy inside. Sometimes, we crave for the time when life was easy and simple. We can not go back 1000 years, but we can use the techniques, used by people back then to find that inner peace, which is there inside all of us.

#Mantras #PeaceMantra #Meditation #Om #MeditativeMind

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

KUNDALINI MANTRA for ONENESS | Ang Sang Wahe Guru || Meaning & Mantra Ch...

~ Ang Sang Waheguru ~

We all feel lonely sometimes, that feeling that no one is standing by our side. or may be someone who is close to your heart is not with you right now. Understanding, Meditating on it and Chanting this Mantra eliminates that loneliness in our hearts and aligns our heart and soul, making it one with that source we all came from.. And we realize that we are never alone. How can we be alone, we are part of THE ONE, and He is part of us.

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Sunday, 26 March 2017


Abhung Hain Anung Hain Mantra is all about discovering our real nature. We all have hidden greatness, the real us, that indestructible part of us, which is beyond this body and mind, beyond all the boundaries of this material world. We all have originated from that one source, and that was there from the very beginning of time.

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Chakra Seed Mantra Chants | ROOT CHAKRA Unblocking - 'LAM' Chanting Medi...

Worry, Anxiety, Fear, Pain in Lower Back all are symptoms of Blocked Root Chakra.

Try doing Root Chakra Seed Mantra 'LAM' Chanting Meditation for atleast 30 mins a day, focus on the root chakra location at the bottom end of the spine.

This recording features chants in the frequency 256Hz as primary frequency which resonates with the root chakra location, and helping in healing and unblocking faster. You can let it play in the background as you chant, or as you do your daily chores, so that vibrations can interact with the root chakra even when you are not chanting. Hope this will help.. Blessings and Peace all the way!!

Friday, 3 February 2017


Join us as we celebrate "CHAKRA MEDITATION MONTH' this Feb. On Day03 - we are doing Solar Plexus Chakra Deep Sleep Meditation & Healing using specially designed music based on frequencies at which Solar Chakra vibrates.  Hope this will help you.

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Chakra Sleep Meditation Music | ROOT CHAKRA MEDITATION Balancing & Heali...


At Meditative Mind, we will be creating and featuring Chakra Meditation Music, Sleep Music, Healing Music and Guided Meditations and more.


We look forward to you all joining us and hope our efforts will help you.



Thursday, 19 January 2017

Monday, 9 January 2017

AKAL MAHAKAL MANTRA | 30 Days of Chants S2 - DAY9 | Mantra Meditation Mu...

Eradicate Fear Completely with this Amazingly Powerful Mantra

DAY 9 of #30DaysofChants