Saturday, 28 May 2016

CROWN CHAKRA AFFIRMATIONS | 14 Day Chakra Healing Camp DAY#14

Crown Chakra Healing & Opening Affirmations

1. I am fully Awake in every Moment

2. I am connected to my higher self

3. I am part of Divine

4. I am in touch with the Divine within me.

5. I let go of all the attachments

6. I am pure love. I am pure light. I am pure Consciousness.

from our 14 Days of Chakra Healing Camp | Join Here -

Tuesday, 17 May 2016


DAY#4 of 14 Day Chakra Healing Camp | HEART CHAKRA Guided Chanting Meditation

Today's Guided Chanting Meditation Session is for Heart Chakra. This is the Center of Love, Compassion and at Physical level it governs our circulation system, functioning of heart and lungs.

In this Guided Meditation, we learn to become more aware of our 4th Chakra - Heart Chakra or Anahata energy center and how to do YAM chanting meditation for balancing this chakra. Chanting can be one of the most effective ways to balance and unblock chakras.

HEART CHAKRA -- In Sanskrit, anahata means "unhurt, unstruck and unbeaten". Anahata Nad refers to the Vedic concept of unstruck sound - the sound of the celestial realm. Anahata is associated with balance, calm and serenity.

The Anahata chakra is in the central channel of the spine at the heart, with its kshetram or superficial activation site between the breasts.

♡ ♡ ♡

Smile & Cultivate Mindfulness

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Join us in this 14 Day Chakra Healing Journey exclusively on our Youtube Channel.



Day 2 of 14 Day Chakra Healing Camp

Today's Session : Sacral Chakra Guided Meditation feat Seed Mantra VAM Meditation

Join Here :

Sunday, 15 May 2016


DAY1 of 14 Day Chakra Healing Camp
We start the Chakra Healing Camp 2016 with Guided Chanting Meditation for Root Chakra
In this Guided Meditation, we learn to become more aware of our 1st and primary Chakra - Root Chakra energy center and how to do LAM chanting meditation for balancing the root chakra. Chanting can be one of the most effective ways to balance and unblock chakras. If you are feeling low in energy, tired, worried and anxious most of the time, its might be due to the imbalance in the root chakra.
The seed mantra for Root Chakra is LAM. this is the Fundamental (or Mool) Chakra. Without Balancing it, now matter how hard we try, higher chakras can not be healed / unblocked. Located at the base of our spine, it is the root chakra that governs over our physical energies, giving us a sense of safety and security with other people and ourselves. This is the chakra from where the life energy radiates to the entire body.
If you find this helpful, please share it with others.
Tomorrow - Day 2, We will doing Sacral Chakra Healing Meditation.
To get updates, subscribe to our youtube channel here :
Blessings All The Way
♡ ♡ ♡
Smile & Cultivate Mindfulness

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Chakra Meditation Music : Throat Chakra Healing & Balancing Meditation M...

Beautiful Throat Chakra Music for your Meditation practice.

We used Hang Drums tuned to Raag Desh Scale with Root Note at 384Hz.

Indian Classical Raag Desh(or musical scale) is associated with Throat Chakra. We hope this track will be helpful in your practice.

Blessings & Peace Always

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Chakra Meditation Music : Sacral Chakra Healing & Balancing Meditation M...

Raaga(Musical Scale) associated with Sacral Chakra is Yaman. Listen this Delicate Sacral Chakra Meditation Music played on Beautiful Sounding Hang Drum


Monday, 2 May 2016

Chakra Meditation Music : Root Chakra Balancing & Healing Meditation Music

This Root Chakra track has been designed using the Frequencies which are known to resonate with Root Chakra. Also the composition is in Indian Classical Raaga Shyam Kalyan which is also associated with root chakra. It will help you to better become aware of this energy center during this meditation.

We will be uploading tracks for each chakra every day on our youtube channel. We hope this series will help.

COMING UP Exclusively on Youtube : 14 Day Chakra Healing Camp starting on May 14

Blessings & Peace